1. First and foremost, you need to install the timetable software in use i.e. Davinci which can be downloaded from the VLU site. Extract the zip file.
2. Double-click the daVinci3Look.msi and click Run when the Security Dialog opens.
3. Click Next.
4. Click Next.
5. Click Next to install.
6. Allow installation to finish.
7. Click Finish to complete installation.
8. From the Start menu, search for davinci and then choose daVinciLook.exe.
9. In the pop-up menu, key in the Licensed version before using it and then click Start.
User: German-Malaysian Institute, 56100 Kuala Lumpur
Key: FC1F-D644-E2E4-CD24-C8BA-ADF4-90BA-A4B0
(Please key in exactly from the data above)
10. You will see the interface similar to the one shown below:
11. Download any new DAV files whenever new release is made available and keep it into your machine.
12. Click Open file to open your newly downloaded timetable schedule (in .dav format). Find the file and click Open.
13. Click the title (noted in red circle) to customize your view options.
14. You may choose from these views. Choose Class timetables and scroll down until you see your class. Choose your class.
15. Browse for the upcoming weeks by using the arrow button.
*Keep yourself updated by downloading Davinci file whenever new schedule is available. GMI VLU front page has the latest update of the file.